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 on: February 04, 2017, 01:48:36 PM 
Started by bryanmcn - Last post by newinvestor1
Hi SSP Admin,

Just wanted to check this again:

Is the $300,000 limit used for each specific portfolio (as in $300K for Ultimate Price Moment V1, $300K again for Ultimate Price Moment V2) etc....?
OR is $300,000 limit is for all portfolios combined?

 on: February 02, 2017, 06:51:28 PM 
Started by bryanmcn - Last post by bryanmcn
Note symbol change. Really

 on: January 23, 2017, 06:03:03 PM 
Started by newinvestor1 - Last post by newinvestor1
Sure. Will keep you posted. I am also using portion of my portfolio in SSP. Rest of the money, I already kept in mutual funds and ETFs.

 on: January 23, 2017, 05:45:00 PM 
Started by newinvestor1 - Last post by bryanmcn
I use market orders most of the time. SSP has done a good job of picking stocks that have enough volume to allow for that.
I will warn you that the V1 has some pretty violent swings. In 2015 it lost over 30% in just a few days in November. For the year ending 2015 it was down 50%. That means you would have lost $15,000 of a $30,000 portfolio!
To get back to $30K it would need to gain 100% in a year. Which - surprisingly, it did! in fact it gained over 130% in 2016.
The V1+ is an option (it kicks you out of all positions when their indicator turns "down") but the V1+ has performed worse than the TSX for the past 3 years!
So its a big gamble. I may or may not have the stomach to stay in but the $30K I have invested is a small part of my portfolio so ... we will see.
Keep us informed of your progress ok? I will do the same. Happy trading!

 on: January 23, 2017, 04:27:24 PM 
Started by newinvestor1 - Last post by newinvestor1
Thank you bryanmcn.  Appreciate your feedback. I am planning to use UPM v2. So, are you now following UPM v1, but sometimes use your own strategy on the stocks SSP proposed to buy and sell? 

Do you use limit orders or market orders for SSP stock picks?

Any others using SSP strategy as it is ?

 on: January 21, 2017, 02:34:41 PM 
Started by newinvestor1 - Last post by bryanmcn
So now I see SSP has DEE as a sell for Monday so I guess I missed a small bullet there.

 on: January 21, 2017, 01:03:44 PM 
Started by newinvestor1 - Last post by bryanmcn
I am using the UPM V1 with about $30K. It is overwhelmingly tempting to "tweak".   I am suppose to be out of YGR and buy DEE but there was a "hold" signal from one of the stock news sites for DEE and it went down the day after we were to buy. YGR, on the other hand shows strength and seems to be climbing so I  still hold it.
In the past I have been burnt by this strategy and wished that I had just followed the portfolio blindly. So the lesson is "ignorance is bliss."
I've also noticed that the portfolios tend to rise and fall in waves. Buying in after a big bullish period (like last year) is probably not too smart. But if you hold for multiple years it shouldn't matter that much. 

 on: January 18, 2017, 01:20:37 AM 
Started by newinvestor1 - Last post by newinvestor1

I see some virtual portfolios maintained by SSP admins in the past (years ago). Is anyone investing by following SSP as per the strategy they mentioned?  Please let me know.  If anyone had bad experience and incurred losses, I would like to be cautious and learn from their mistakes. Please share your experiences.

 on: January 10, 2017, 01:36:33 PM 
Started by bryanmcn - Last post by newinvestor1
It seems "Price Momentum Weekly" is obsolete as per this link. So, is SSP suggesting not to use it.

 on: January 10, 2017, 12:53:11 PM 
Started by newinvestor1 - Last post by newinvestor1
I plan to use SSP. I went through many articles and forum discussions. I plan to go with $30,000 to $35,000 portfolio.

Has any one used SSP portfolios in the way the they explained to follow for 2016. Would you be able to discuss the returns gained and the strategy followed?

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