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Topic: Virtual $5,000 portfolio (Read 102970 times)
Super Stock Picker
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Re: Virtual $5,000 portfolio
Reply #15 on:
July 21, 2007, 11:23:23 PM »
Even that late, we can go back to Monday and update this thread with the close prices of this session:
The orders for this week were:
Ultimate Price Momentum v2
Action Ticker Name
Sell VRS Allen-Vanguard Corp.
Buy CUQ Churchill Corporation (The)
So, we sell our VRS position as follows:
VRS: 123 shares @ $7.69, value $935.92, cost $993.95, perf -5.84%
And we buy the new CUQ position with $1,000 from the cash position:
CUQ: 68 shares @ $14.40, value $979.20, cost $989.15, perf -1.01%
Then, the portfolio holds the following two positions:
- TIM: 204 shares @ $5.89, value $1,201.56, cost $717.83, perf +67.39%
- CUQ: 68 shares @ $14.40, value $979.20, cost $989.15, perf -1.01%
- Cash: $3,380.05
Virtual portfolio value is then $5,560.81 from a $5,000 capital. It gives a performance of 11.22% since April 30th, 2007.
Over the same period, the reference portfolio, Ultimate Price Momentum v2, as risen to 661.22 pts from 552.45 pts. Its return is then 19.69%.
PS: The attached Excel document has been used to get to those figures.
5000 portfolio.xls
(16 KB - downloaded 3222 times.)
Super Stock Picker
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Karma: 1
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Re: Virtual $5,000 portfolio
Reply #16 on:
July 26, 2007, 05:01:02 PM »
Back to the close of Monday's session to update this thread:
The order for this week was:
Ultimate Price Momentum v2
Action Ticker Name
Buy SMX Smtc Corporation
Then, we simply open this new position by using $1,000 from our cash line:
SMX: 135 shares @ $7.30, value $985.50, cost $995.45, perf -1.00%
So, we end up with the following 3 positions open in the portfolio:
- TIM: 204 shares @ $5.70, value $1,162.80, cost $717.83, perf +61.99%
- CUQ: 68 shares @ $14.50, value $986.00, cost $989.15, perf -0.32%
- SMX: 135 shares @ $7.30, value $985.50, cost $995.45, perf -1.00%
- Cash: $2,384.60
Virtual portfolio value is then $5,518.90 from a $5,000 capital. It gives a performance of 10.38% since April 30th, 2007.
Over the same period, the reference portfolio, Ultimate Price Momentum v2, as risen to 649.50 pts from 552.45 pts. Its return is then 17.57%.
PS: The attached Excel document has been used to get to those figures.
5000 portfolio.xls
(16 KB - downloaded 3211 times.)
Super Stock Picker
Hero Member
Karma: 1
Posts: 476
Re: Virtual $5,000 portfolio
Reply #17 on:
August 01, 2007, 04:11:19 PM »
Short update this week, as there are no new orders. We'll just update the value of the portfolio:
So, we end up with the following 3 positions open in the portfolio:
- TIM: 204 shares @ $5.60, value $1,142.40, cost $717.83, perf +59.15%
- CUQ: 68 shares @ $12.00, value $816.00, cost $989.15, perf -17.5%
- SMX: 135 shares @ $5.53, value $746.55, cost $995.45, perf -25.00%
- Cash: $2,384.60
Virtual portfolio value is then $5,089.55 from a $5,000 capital. It gives a performance of +1.79% since April 30th, 2007.
Over the same period, the reference portfolio, Ultimate Price Momentum v2, as risen to 570.33 pts from 552.45 pts. Its return is then +3.24%.
PS: The attached Excel document has been used to get to those figures. (You need to be logged in the forum to get access to the attachment)
5000 portfolio.xls
(16 KB - downloaded 3349 times.)
Super Stock Picker
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Karma: 1
Posts: 476
Re: Virtual $5,000 portfolio
Reply #18 on:
August 09, 2007, 02:32:55 PM »
This week's update takes place with the close prices of Tuesday as the TSE was closed on Monday.
The orders were:
Ultimate Price Momentum v2
Action Ticker Name
Sell SMX Smtc Corporation
Buy ALS Altius Minerals Corp
Buy DRX Adf Group Inc.
So, we first start by selling the SMX shares as follows:
SMX: 135 shares @ $3.94, value $521.95, cost $995.45, perf -47.57%
And then we buy the two new positions using our free cash; $1000 per position:
- ALS: 52 shares @ $19.03, value $989.56, cost $999.51, perf -1.00%
- DRX: 219 shares @ $4.51, value $987.69, cost $997.64, perf -1.00%
So, it gives the following portfolio, with 4 open positions:
- TIM: 204 shares @ $7.04, value $1,436.16, cost $717.83, perf +100.07%
- CUQ: 68 shares @ $11.95, value $812.16, cost $989.15, perf -17.85%
- ALS: 52 shares @ $19.03, value $989.56, cost $999.51, perf -1.00%
- DRX: 219 shares @ $4.51, value $987.69, cost $997.64, perf -1.00%
- Cash: $909.40
Virtual portfolio value is then $5,135.41 from a $5,000 capital. It gives a performance of +2.71% since April 30th, 2007.
Over the same period, the reference portfolio, Ultimate Price Momentum v2, as risen to 604.80 pts from 552.45 pts. Its return is then +9.48%.
PS: The attached Excel document has been used to get to those figures. (You need to be logged in the forum to get access to the attachment)
5000 portfolio.xls
(17 KB - downloaded 3223 times.)
Super Stock Picker
Hero Member
Karma: 1
Posts: 476
Re: Virtual $5,000 portfolio
Reply #19 on:
August 14, 2007, 03:58:43 PM »
Short update again this week, as there are no new orders. We'll just update the value of the portfolio:
So, the 4 positions open in the portfolio are the following:
- TIM: 204 shares @ $7.44, value $1,517.76, cost $717.83, perf +111.44%
- CUQ: 68 shares @ $13.85, value $941.80, cost $989.15, perf -4.79%
- ALS: 52 shares @ $18.24, value $948.48, cost $999.51, perf -5.11%
- DRX: 219 shares @ $4.54, value $994.26, cost $997.64, perf -0.34%
- Cash: $909.40
Virtual portfolio value is then $5,311.70 from a $5,000 capital. It gives a performance of +6.23% since April 30th, 2007.
Over the same period, the reference portfolio, Ultimate Price Momentum v2, as risen to 631.24 pts from 552.45 pts. Its return is then +14.26%.
PS: The attached Excel document has been used to get to those figures. (You need to be logged in the forum to get access to the attachment)
5000 portfolio.xls
(16.5 KB - downloaded 3215 times.)
Super Stock Picker
Hero Member
Karma: 1
Posts: 476
Re: Virtual $5,000 portfolio
Reply #20 on:
August 24, 2007, 01:44:50 AM »
Short (late) update again this week, as there is no new orders this week again. We'll just update the value of the portfolio:
So, the 4 positions open in the portfolio are the following:
- TIM: 204 shares @ $5.35, value $1,091.40, cost $717.83, perf +52.04%
- CUQ: 68 shares @ $13.28, value $903.04, cost $989.15, perf -8.71%
- ALS: 52 shares @ $16.62, value $864.24, cost $999.51, perf -13.53%
- DRX: 219 shares @ $4.02, value $880.38, cost $997.64, perf -11.75%
- Cash: $909.40
Virtual portfolio value is then $4,648.46 from a $5,000 capital. It gives a performance of -7.03% since April 30th, 2007.
Over the same period, the reference portfolio, Ultimate Price Momentum v2, as fallen to 526.38 pts from 552.45 pts. Its return is then -4.72%.
PS: The attached Excel document has been used to get to those figures. (You need to be logged in the forum to get access to the attachment)
5000 portfolio.xls
(16 KB - downloaded 3198 times.)
Karma: 0
Posts: 2
Re: Virtual $5,000 portfolio
Reply #21 on:
October 16, 2007, 12:01:58 AM »
I am new on the site and was reviewing as much information as I could on the forum. How come you stopped updating the Virtual $5000 portfolio?
Super Stock Picker
Hero Member
Karma: 1
Posts: 476
Re: Virtual $5,000 portfolio
Reply #22 on:
October 16, 2007, 08:24:34 AM »
Due to time constraints, we had to postpone the update of the virtual portfolios for more than a month.
We expect to resume those updates soon.
Karma: 0
Posts: 2
Re: Virtual $5,000 portfolio
Reply #23 on:
October 16, 2007, 09:24:39 AM »
Excellent, I am looking forward to seeing how the $5000 portfolio did when and after the stock market took a hit in August and September.
Super Stock Picker
Hero Member
Karma: 1
Posts: 476
Re: Virtual $5,000 portfolio
Reply #24 on:
October 25, 2007, 05:26:37 PM »
It is time for us to try to catch up with the late update of the virtual portfolios.
So, let's start where we've left, on August 27, 2007.
On this day, the orders were:
Ultimate Price Momentum v2
Action Ticker Name
Buy VRS Allen-Vanguard Corp.
So, we first start by buying the VRS shares using the free cash of the portfolio:
VRS: 94 shares @ $9.55, value $897.70, cost $907.65, perf -1.10%
So, it gives the following portfolio, with 5 open positions:
- TIM: 204 shares @ $6.12, value $1,248.48, cost $717.83, perf +73.92%
- CUQ: 68 shares @ $13.60, value $924.80, cost $989.15, perf -6.51%
- ALS: 52 shares @ $19.15, value $995.80, cost $999.51, perf -0.37%
- DRX: 219 shares @ $4.07, value $891.33, cost $997.64, perf -10.66%
- VRS: 94 shares @ $9.55, value $897.70, cost $907.65, perf -1.10%
- Cash: $1.75
Virtual portfolio value is then $4,959.86 from a $5,000 capital. It gives a performance of -0.80% since April 30th, 2007.
Over the same period, the reference portfolio, Ultimate Price Momentum v2, as risen to 574.70 pts from 552.45 pts. Its return is then +4.03%.
PS: The attached Excel document has been used to get to those figures. (You need to be logged in the forum to get access to the attachment)
5000 portfolio.xls
(17 KB - downloaded 3336 times.)
Karma: 0
Posts: 1
Re: Virtual $5,000 portfolio
Reply #25 on:
February 05, 2008, 01:41:12 PM »
Any chance of updating the virtual $ 5000 portfolio?
It would be interesting to see how the portfolio performed for the year 2007.
Super Stock Picker
Hero Member
Karma: 1
Posts: 476
Re: Virtual $5,000 portfolio
Reply #26 on:
February 07, 2008, 11:54:04 PM »
Hello nash08,
Indeed, we do want to update those virtual portfolios, but we are going through a huge time crunch, so we have to delay this to a later time unfortunately.
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